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Artemis Drill

RDS Systems Essential seed drill control & monitoringa

Provides all the essential seed drill control and monitoring

The new generation RDS Artemis drill control system is a variable rate control and monitoring system for seed drills. The system removes the need for a mechanically driven landwheel by operating the metering unit with an electric motor maintaining its speed proportional to forward speed, or adjusting sowing rates to suit the mapping provided by the precision farming option if this is utilised.


Seed drill control automates seeding applications to reduce inputs, improve yield, and promote sustainability. Solutions empower you to easily follow plans, reduce waste and optimiSe spacing. The technology significantly improves efficiency and precision for better profitability.

Our solutions monitor and control seed application proportional to forward speed for consistent application and ease of rate adjustment. For more advanced capability, we offer position-based control tied to digital prescription maps. These advanced plans can be easily selected within the universal ISOBUS interface and imported from industry standard formats (i.e., ISOXML, shapefile, etc.). Built upon proven technology, this is a reliable yet progressive approach to managing key inputs.

Product Name: Artemis
Product Type: Seed Drill Monitor
Brand: RDS Systems
Perfect For: Drilling


  • Four motor capability
  • Ability to run tube blockers
  • Camera interface for two cameras
  • Pre-start facility – to prime the seed mechanism before drilling, simply press the Pre-Start button, wait a few seconds and pull away
  • Simple & fast operator product calibration – press Motor Priming Button, dispense product into a container, weigh and enter actual weight into the instrument
  • Rate Adjustment ‘on the move’ - when application rates require changing, utilise the manual adjustment buttons
  • Precision Farming capability – add an appropriate GPS receiver and load a pre-defined seeding plan for automated variable seed rate application
  • ISOBUS option on ISO-compliant Universal Terminals

Get in touch us with us to discuss how we can help make the most of your agricultural systems.

Contact Us

Get in touch:
Tony Houston
027 455 2272
187 Alford Forest Rd,
Ashburton, 7700

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