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With long-standing history that traces back to its beginnings as a division of AutoSparks, Tony impressive 36 years of experience as an Auto Electrician which includes over 20 years specialising in spraying and fertiliser spreading systems, led him to the beginning of Total Ag Control to cater to farmers and contractors looking to leverage the latest technologies for increased productivity and smoother operations.
Recognized for his expertise in spraying and spreading systems for over 21 years, Tony is focused on driving innovation and delivering top-notch quality.
At Total Ag Control (TAC), we specalise in spreading and spraying solutions, but our expertise goes beyond just precision ag services and products. We prioritise the farmer' by offering a personalised, brand-neutral approach to find the perfect solution for your farm or operation.
We know that one size doesn't fit all, so we collaborate with leading partners int he field like Topcon, RDS Systems, Digi-Star, Tabula, CHCNav, JWE, and Precision Farming.
Tony Houston
Nev Ward